The #1 Diamond Price Calculator
Find the best diamond price for you by connecting with 30,000+ jewelry stores and 1.9 million diamonds straight from the largest online stock

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Over 30K diamond sources are connected
The calculator is connected to the largest database of polished diamonds - from 1.9 million diamonds and over 30K diamond sources making it highly accurate

AI Technology gives you the best deal
Our artificial intelligence price and quality ratings guide you tothe best deal

Buy directly from the source
Discover the best deals straight from the source by cutting out the middleman
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The Calculator
Choose your Diamond Shape
60% People choose this shape
The diamond shape refers to the outline shape of the diamond as you look at it from the top down

45% People choose this
Carat refers to the weight of a diamond, which is directly proportional to its size
52% People choose this
The scale ranges from D (whitest) to K - from most expensive to less
47% People choose this
Clarity refers to how visible they are - IF clarity being the best

We found 1,520 matched diamonds by 359 jewelry stores